Dernière modif: 28 Mars 2020
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Titre de la chanson : My girlfriend's a bit of a beast

They say that my girlfriend's a bit of beast,
I have to admit that it's true,
She's an animal lover to say the least,
And now only a donkey will do.
She once climbed in the cage with a tapir,
Now they won't let her into the zoo,
She was trying to persuade it to rape her,
But now only a donkey will do.

She's done it with dogs,
She's done it with hogs,
She tried with an ape,
But the monkey cried rape,
So now only a donkey will do,
Now only a donkey will do.

I got home one day and found her dog-knotted,
With the Rottweiler from next door,
By several neighbours she was spotted,
As the pair crept around on all fours,
The dog was panting, exhausted,
It plight couldn't be ignored,
Can't tell if it was willing or she forced it,
But my girl was crying out for more.

She'll try with a goat,
Or curl up with a stoat,
She tried intercourse,
With a willing race horse,
But now only a donkey will do,
Now only a donkey will do.

They won't let my girlfriend visit the farm,
Where she had a stable relationship,
With the Hereford bull that lived in the barn,
And the ram that serviced the sheep;
Cos the stallion the farmer rode to the hunt,
Was too tired to trot to the meet,
Now she keeps a donkey and performs some neat stunts,
Cos my girlfriend's a bit of a beast.

She'll do it for a laugh,
With a tiger or giraffe,
By a sheepdog she got tupped,
(But we didn't keep the pups),
But now only a donkey will do,
Now only a donkey will do.

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